Wednesday 16 November 2016



Majuli receives heavy rains during the monsoons and the region is prone to biannual flooding of the river Brahmaputra. Hence, water ways are needed and they are the chief mode of transportation in Majuli. Boat making is one of the most common activities practiced on the island. Crafts related to boat making have been practiced in Majuli since the time of the arrival of diverse communities on the Island. Hence, the locals are proficient in the knowledge of making boats. This craft is popular among both Sattras as well as other communities. Auniati and Kamalabari Sattra are famous for making good quality boats in the region. Usually all the families in Majuli have boats which are used mainly during the Monsoons and during floods. Boats are used for commuting from one place to another as they are easily available and an economical mode of transportation.


Boat making is the main occupation of people from Salmara, Borgayon, Nawsali. 3000 families from these villages are dependent on this traditional craft of making boats. Traditionally, boats were made of Azhar wood which is presently very costly. Hence, the chief material used for

construction of boats is the wood from Semalo tree, Uriam, Outenga, Atrocarpus chaplasha (Samkathal) and Hijal tree which are locally available in plenty. Traditionally, single piece of wood from a big tree was used to make boats called Guttaiya nao. Today boats are made from split timber. Boats are named on the basis of the use they are put to. Traditional hacksaws and blades, chisels and rivets are still used to make boats.
The economics of boat making is dependent on a sustainable cycle of production and consumption of boats on the island. Presently, the production of boats is on a small scale. There is a ready market available in the nearby areas and also within Majuli which helps to sustain this traditional craft.


Fishing has been the traditional occupation of the Kaivarta community since the time of human habitation on the island. The land form, its water level, aquatic plants and seasonal variations are the guiding and significant factors of the occupation. It plays a significant role in maintaining the natural cycle and hence sustaining the ecological value of the area. Fishing is one of the main sources of livelihood for a section of people in Majuli. It is practiced by mostly scheduled caste and tribes like Mishings and Deories. The different types of water bodies of Majuli Island are the main resources. They include the wet land, marshy land, ponds, rivulets etc. Different fishing techniques have been evolved by man based on the level of water and probability of fishes.


The techniques employed for fishing change with the change in season. Hence, the tools used for fishing also vary according to requirements in each season. Usually during floods fishing is prohibited as it is time for fertilization and migration of fishes into depressions. Occasional fishing is practiced by the communities. They prepare special fishing traps like polo, dingora etc.

Community fishing i.e. by using small baskets is low during this season. Fish traps are especially made and put along the embankments against the water flow. During post monsoon season, water level in different water bodies recedes and it allows fishing. In this season fishermen are predominantly dependent of wet lands and marshy land. The scale of fishing increases and they get used for commercial purposes. Fishes collected from flowing water channels are prepared as dried fish for its consumption at local level as well as for commercial purposes. Bamboo bed is prepared at the river bank for drying of fishes. This is predominantly carried out by Mishing and Deoris. During winter season fishing becomes predominant. Fish is one of the most marketed commodities during this time.


Different traditional instruments have been designed at local level for fishing in different areas. The tools have been designed as per the water level and probability of getting fishes of different types. Varieties of fishing nets are as following:
  1. Borjal (big net)
  2. Ghat jal: this is used when the water level is low.
  3. Phansijal: it can catch fish of different sizes.
  4. Kerang jal: this used to catch big fish in the rivers.
  5. Kewali jal: this is circular in shape and used to collect table fish from wetland and ponds.
  6. Looter jal: this is circular in shape and used to collect table fish from wetland and ponds.
  7. Tongi jal: this is temporary in nature and used for a single season only. This is most commonly used.
Some of the traditional fish catching instruments used by the communities in Majuli are:

  1. Polo: conical shaped instrument used for fishing in shallow waters
  2. Jakoi: triangle shaped instrument made of bamboo. It is used for fishing in shallow water. This is mainly used by women folk for catching small fish.
  3. Khaloi: it is made of bamboo and cane and mainly used for storing while fishing.
  4. Dolonga: this triangular shaped instrument made of bamboo and cane is kept under water (usually in rivers) to catch fish in winters.
  5. Chepa/ khoka: this is fixed in narrow paths rough which the fish generally move.
  6. Bamichunga: it is made of bamboo and betel nut and specially used to catch a special fish called Bami.


There are a wide variety of fish that are available in Majlui, for example Alced atthis, ceryle rudis, Bubulus ibis, Dendrcygna Javanica etc. Fishery is one of the most important sectors contributing to the economy, employment generation and trade of Majuli. It is one of the main food items for some people of Majuli. The traditional knowledge base of fishing is known by majority of inhabitants. There are communities whose main occupation is predominantly fishing and they are named accordingly. Majority of residential units of Majuli have a small pond either at the back yard of their house or a pond is located along the road side which feeds three to four residential units. Fish being the staple food item for people is practiced both on a small and a large scale. Large water bodies like beels are used for community fishing. Traditional techniques of fishing are predominantly practiced in Majuli like use of traditional nets and tools to catch fish according to the seasonal variation.

Material Resource Base

The location of the island supports the existence of a variety of fishes. During the annual floods, the fish migrate from the Brahmaputra River into the island, in the beels, wetlands, low lying areas etc. and after the floods recede, Majuli becomes the abode for fishes and it creates a large fishing stock. Nearly 1250 ha of area is under fishery in Majuli with the annual production of 1400 MT. The main fishing centers in Majuli are Jengraimukh, Bali Chapori, Garamur and Kamalabari. More than 50% of the produce is sent to Jorhat and a large percentage of fish produce is sold in the Nagaland fish markets.

However the current regulations and system of management are not conducive to sustainable production from these water bodies. It is resulting in overexploitation and degradation.

The ecological degradation of bils started with the arrival of the water hyacinth a century ago. Rampant growth of this fast-growing weed obstructs the penetration of sunlight, inhibiting plankton growth and contributing to eutrophication by slowing down water currents and depositing debris at the bottom. The second phase of enhanced eutrophication resulted from the construction of embankments along almost the entire length of the river Brahmaputra and many of its tributaries after the devastating earthquake of 1950. These levees substantially reduced the periodic flushing by monsoon floods. The final onslaught on the wetlands has been from human activities such as buffalo and cattle rearing, agriculture and horticulture, and overfishing.

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